Downregulation of Mitochondrial Metabolism After Tendon Release Primes Lipid Accumulation in Rotator Cuff Muscle

April 29, 2020 | Histopathology

Lab.Equipment is always here to ensure you are informed on the latest Pathology industry news. Check out what we have freshly sourced from The American Journal of Pathology today just for you:

Atrophy and fat accumulation is a debilitating aspect of muscle diseases that it is rarely prevented. Using a vertical approach combining anatomical with omics methodology in a tenotomy-induced sheep model for rotator cuff disease, we tested whether mitochondrial dysfunction is implicated in muscle wasting and perturbed lipid metabolism; speculating that both can be prevented by the stimulation of beta-oxidation with L-carnitine.Infraspinatus muscle lost 22% of its volume over the first six weeks after tenotomy before the area percentage of lipid increased from 8% to 18% at week sixteen.... You can find the whole article in  The American Journal of Pathology Blog.

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