Eppendorf Reference 2 Single Channel Fixed 500 Pipette from Eppendorf

Variable or Fixed Volume Fixed Volume
Volume Range Min (uL) 500
Volume Range Max (uL) 500
Accuracy (%/uL) 0.6/3000
Repeatability/Precision (%/uL) 0.2/1000
Autoclavable Yes

Finding the most suitable manual pipette to measure and dispense your liquids flawlessly can be an overwhelming task with hundreds of choices accessible in the market. Don’t worry as Lab.Equipment can make things a lot easier for you! The Eppendorf Single Channel Fixed 500 maybe the perfect solution for improving your lab operations and process, if not, you can surely find the right unit for your requirements through our FAQ, review, and comparison of the Single Channel Fixed 500 to other pipettes so keep on scrolling down.

Since Lab.Equipment showcases 877 pipettes from all 16 pipettor manufacturer like Eppendorf, this is the only site you will find real product descriptions thoroughly written for you. Unlike any other distributor around, we would not push you a product catalog filled with exactly the same buzzwords, jargons, and propriety terms many manufacturers has "made up" to perplex us persevering lab staffs. We can help you cut through the noise and save time as well as budget with true descriptions carefully drafted to lead you in finding the best Pipette for your particular application, whether it is with this Eppendorf Reference 2 Single Channel Fixed 500 or not.

Measuring and dispensing liquids are basic tasks carried out in chemistry, molecular biology, biochemistry, medical and scientific laboratories. Need innovative pipettors that can withstand everyday lab use and are simple to maintain? You can get a manual pipette like the Eppendorf Eppendorf Reference 2 Single Channel Fixed 500. A manual pipette is more economical in comparison with electronic ones and is recommended for use in applications that do not really have high pipetting needs.

How much measured liquids can you dispense and transport with the manual Single Channel Fixed 500?

The manual Eppendorf Reference 2 Single Channel Fixed 500 is built to properly discharge liquids from up to 500uL

What manual pipette should I go for if I work on miscellaneous pipetting tasks dealing with little amounts of liquids?

A manual single-channel pipette like the ergonomic and lightweight Eppendorf Single Channel Fixed 500 can help improve regular pipetting tasks for your scientific, chemical, biological, or pharmaceutical laboratories.

Is the Eppendorf Single Channel Fixed 500 a fixed or variable volume pipette?

Minimize any risks of errors caused by dispensing wrong volumes or cross-contamination with the fixed volume manual single channel Eppendorf Eppendorf Reference 2 Single Channel Fixed 500. A fixed volume pipette such as the Single Channel Fixed 500 can dispense the exact, fixed amount of dense or viscous liquid samples, giving way to a faster workflow without the need to change volumes frequently.

Do you need a PDF quote for the Eppendorf Single Channel Fixed 500 Pipette?

We guarantee not to waste your time with pesky and high pressure sales representatives calling you. Simply use the Instant Quote tool above and get the quote for Eppendorf Single Channel Fixed 500 within 30 seconds!

How accurate is the Eppendorf Single Channel Fixed 500 compared to other manual single channel fixed volume pipettes?

Discharge and transfer liquids confidently through the Eppendorf Single Channel Fixed 500 as it comes with 0.6/3000 accuracy.

Compared to other manual single channel fixed volume pipettes, how precise is the Eppendorf Single Channel Fixed 500?

Achieve close values and guarantee reproducibility of your pipetting applications through the Manual Single Channel Fixed Volume Single Channel Fixed 500 that presents 0.2/1000 repeatability.

How simple is the Single Channel Fixed 500 to clean and maintain?

The Eppendorf Single Channel Fixed 500 is autoclavable, ensuring sterility, hygiene, and safety for use in your other laboratory applications.

Do you have any questions about the Eppendorf Single Channel Fixed 500 Lab Pipette that we missed answering for you here?

Feel free to ask us through the live chat to the right, our Contact us page, or email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you asap with friendly response.

The Eppendorf Reference 2 is our premium product. Besides improved of its ergonomics the focus design lay on providing the most accurate results possible, optimum user safety, reliability and robustness for a long service life. The innovative single button operation is not only fast and easy, but it also allows active aerosol reduction and thus protects the user, the sample and the pipette. The sturdy handle manufactured with stainless steel protects the pipette from impact and in combination with the spring loaded bumpers the Reference 2 is likely to stay within calibration even if it takes a fall. These high levels of security make the Reference 2 ideal for use with precious liquids, or in any application requiring extremely high levels of accuracy. When there can be no compromise on quality and reproducibility, Eppendorf’s Reference 2 is an ideal instrument for these Liquid Handling applications.

Single-Button Operation

  • Lower Operating forces for aspiration/dispensing/tip ejection limit strain on the user.

  • Allows users to move more quickly through their pipetting tasks by not having to move the thumb from side to side to eject tips.

  • With the ability to eject a tip immediately following dispensing, aerosol contamination of your pipette is considerably reduced.

User-Friendly Secondary Adjustment

For liquids other than aqueous solutions pipettes have to be adjusted. The Reference 2 provides easy possibility to do so, leaving the factory settings untouched. Suggestions for settings ar provided. Reset back to manufacturer setting just as quick and easy.

  • The unique one-button operation offers a fast and ergonomic handling with reduced operating effort and active aerosol reduction. To avoid an accidental tip ejection a clear haptic feedback is provided

  • The spring loaded tip cone improves user to user reproducibility and improved ergonomics by lowering tip attachment force

  • The Reference 2 multi channel offers a high flexibility incl a spring-loaded tip cone which can be switched on/off optionally

  • The secondary adjustment supports the easy adjustment of your Reference 2 for the most accurate pipetting of different liquids or other external conditions without the need for a full calibration

  • The quick lock enables an easy cleaning and maintenance of your pipette

  • The oustanding precision and accuracy of Reference 2 provides reliable results

  • 4 digit volume display with magnifying window to allow for easier volume identification

  • External edges made from stainless steel equip the pipette with outstanding robustness

  • An embedded RFID chip contains all relevant data regarding the pipette and offers with Eppendorf TrackIT a simple identification and documentation

For more than 70 years, Eppendorf has been innovating and providing premium lab instruments and consumables for various facilities working on liquid handling, sample preparation, and cell handling applications. Offering an extensive range of versatile lab equipment including lab pipettes, automated pipetting systems, spectrometers, ultra-temperature freezers plus robust lab supplies such as pipette tubes, sample tubes, and microtiter plates, Eppendorf makes way for unparallaled lab efficiency and improved workflows. With products engineered to meet the highest standards, Eppendorf guarantees the best quality products possible — ideal not just for academic and commercial research, pharmaceutical, clinical, and biotechnological laboratories, but also for industries including the food, forensics, and chemical sectors.

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[Pipette] Accuracy (%/uL): 0.6/3000
[Pipette] Autoclavable: Yes
[Pipette] Repeatability/Precision (%/uL): 0.2/1000
[Pipette] Variable or Fixed Volume: Fixed Volume
[Pipette] Volume Range Max (uL): 500
[Pipette] Volume Range Min (uL): 500

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