Pipetman Neo P1000N Pipette from Gilson

Variable or Fixed Volume Variable Volume
Volume Range Min (uL) 100
Volume Range Max (uL) 1000
Accuracy (%/uL) 0.8/8

Finding the right manual pipettor to measure and transport your liquids correctly can be a challenging task given numerous choices visible in the market. Don’t stress yourself out as Lab.Equipment is here to make things a lot easier for you! Learn how the Gilson Pipetman Neo P1000N conform to your precision and accuracy needs. If it does not make your cut, read about our review, FAQ, and comparison of the Pipetman Neo P1000N to other pipettes below to find the perfect unit for your requirements.

Lab.Equipment showcases 877 pipettors from all 16 pipettor manufacturer including Gilson. With knowledge on these pipettes, expect to find real descriptions carefully drafted for you. We are not like any other single distributor around as we would not just push you a product portfolio showing exactly the same buzzwords, jargons, and propriety terms many manufacturers present to baffle us dedicated lab staffs more. Allow us to help you cut through the noise and save time as well as budget with real descriptions carefully drafted to help you find the right Pipette for your lab application, whether it is with this Pipetman Neo Pipetman Neo P1000N or not.

Measuring and transporting liquid samples are basic tasks performed in molecular biology, biochemistry, medical and scientific, and chemistry laboratories. Looking for robust pipettors that can withstand everyday lab use and are easy to maintain? You can purchase a manual pipette like the Gilson Pipetman Neo Pipetman Neo P1000N. A manual pipette is more economical compared to electronic ones and is best for use in applications that do not really have high pipetting demands.

How much measured liquid solutions can you discharge and transfer with the manual Pipetman Neo P1000N?

Rely on the manual Pipetman Neo Pipetman Neo P1000N to properly discharge liquid solutions between 100 - 1,000 uL volumes.

What manual pipette should I buy if I carry out typical pipetting tasks involving small amounts of liquid samples?

You can optimize usual pipetting tasks for your scientific, chemical, biological, or pharmaceutical workrooms with a manual single-channel pipette like the lightweight and ergonomic Gilson Pipetman Neo P1000N.

Is the Gilson Pipetman Neo P1000N a fixed or variable volume pipette?

The manual, single channel Gilson Pipetman Neo Pipetman Neo P1000N is adjustable and capable of bringing variable volume depending on the specific assay or application you are working on.

Want to request a PDF quote for the Gilson Pipetman Neo P1000N Pipette?

We guarantee not to waste your time by playing phone tag with high pressure sales rep. To ask a PDF for the Gilson Pipetman Neo P1000N, just use the Instant Quote tool above and get a quote sent straight to your inbox in 30 seconds or less!

Against other manual single channel variable volume pipettes, how accurate is the Pipetman Neo P1000N?

Transport and dispense fluid samples confidently through the Gilson Pipetman Neo P1000N as it provides 0.8/8 accuracy.

Do you have any questions about the Gilson Pipetman Neo P1000N Lab Pipette that we missed answering for you here?

Just ask via live chat to the right, our Contact Us page, or email [email protected] and we will get back to you with a prompt and friendly response.

This pipette is an evolution of the PIPETMAN® Classic that addresses the growing susceptibility of pipette users to repetitive strain injuries.

It exhibits a distinct enhancement in comfort.

  • PIPETMAN Neo P1000N model is suited for small-volume dispensing of aqueous fluids of moderate viscosity and density (molecular biology, immunology, etc.).

  • Tip-holder and tip-ejector are fully autoclavable to avoid cross-contamination

Premium Robustness

  • Long product life and high resistance to aggressive chemicals thanks to stainless steel and PVDF components.

  • Air-tight seal with unique "dry seal" technology (grease-free).

Accuracy & Precision

  • Performance exceeding ISO recommendations by an average of 50%.

Comfortable Operation

  • Increased pipetting comfort with lowered pipetting forces; up to 50% reduction of pipetting and purge force on certain models.

Color-Coded Push Button

  • Helps differentiate PIPETMAN Neo range and their dedicated tips at a glance.

Tracing back to the 1940s, Gilson has since then provided wide-ranging product lines intended to streamline processes for liquid handling, purification and extraction applications. With objectives of providing reliable solutions to researchers globally, Gilson manufactures high-quality laboratory pipettes including the PIPETMAN® brand, purification systems, automated liquid handlers, fraction collectors, solid phase extraction (SPE) systems and more. The Gilson head office is located in Middleton, WI and caters to global demand in countries throughout the continents of North and South America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, (EMEA) and Asia Pacific (APAC). With numerous years of experience as an advantage plus an array of ISO certifications and accreditations, Gilson products are engineered to bring users highly-accurate results in reduced processing times.

Choose from a premium line of Gilson products supplied by Lab.Equipment including:

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[Pipette] Accuracy (%/uL): 0.8/8
[Pipette] Variable or Fixed Volume: Variable Volume
[Pipette] Volume Range Max (uL): 1000
[Pipette] Volume Range Min (uL): 100

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