Transferpette Pipette Adjustable Single Channel 20 Pipette from Brandtech

Variable or Fixed Volume Variable Volume
Volume Range Min (uL) 20
Volume Range Max (uL) 200
Accuracy (%/uL) 0.6
Repeatability/Precision (%/uL) 0.2
Autoclavable Yes

Finding the ideal manual pipettor to measure and transport your fluid samples flawlessly can be a daunting task given countless of choices available in the market. Don’t stress yourself out as Lab.Equipment can simplify the unit selection process for you! The Brandtech Adjustable Single Channel 20 might be the ideal solution for improving your lab process and operations, if not, you can surely discover the perfect unit for your requirements by going through our FAQ, review, and comparison of the Adjustable Single Channel 20 with other pipettes so keep scrolling down.

Get comprehensive lab pipette information carefully curated by Lab.Equipment. Carrying 877 pipettors from all 16 pipette manufacturer including Brandtech, this is the only website you will find real product descriptions thoroughly drafted for you. We would not give you a portfolio displaying the same buzzwords, jargons, and terms a lot manufacturers has "made up" to confuse us hard-working lab staffs.

Measuring and dispensing liquid samples are basic tasks carried out in chemistry, molecular biology, biochemistry, medical and scientific laboratories. Need high quality pipettors that can withstand everyday laboratory use and are effortless to maintain? You can opt for a manual pipette like the Brandtech Transferpette Pipette Adjustable Single Channel 20. A manual pipette is more economical compared to electronic ones and is ideal for use in applications that do not really have high pipetting needs.

How much measured liquids can you dispense and transfer with the manual Adjustable Single Channel 20?

Rely on the manual Transferpette Pipette Adjustable Single Channel 20 to properly transfer liquid solutions from 20 - 200 uL volumes.

What manual pipette should I purchase if I complete miscellaneous pipetting tasks dealing with little amounts of liquid samples?

You can enhance usual pipetting tasks for your biology, pharmaceutical, scientific, or chemical workrooms with a manual single-channel pipette like the ergonomic and lightweight Brandtech Adjustable Single Channel 20.

Is the Brandtech Adjustable Single Channel 20 a fixed or variable volume pipette?

The manual, single channel Brandtech Transferpette Pipette Adjustable Single Channel 20 is adjustable and capable of offering variable volume based on the particular application or assay you are running.

Do you require a PDF quote for the Brandtech Adjustable Single Channel 20 Pipette?

We promise not to waste your time by playing phone tag with high pressure sales rep. To request a PDF for the Brandtech Adjustable Single Channel 20, just use the Instant Quote tool above and receive a quote sent straight to your inbox in 30 seconds or less!

How accurate is the Brandtech Adjustable Single Channel 20 compared to other manual single channel variable volume pipettes?

The Brandtech Adjustable Single Channel 20 can reliably dispense and transport liquid samples with its 0.60 accuracy.

How precise is the Brandtech Adjustable Single Channel 20 compared to other manual single channel variable volume pipettes?

Obtain close values and ensure reproducibility of your pipetting applications with the Manual Single Channel Variable Volume Adjustable Single Channel 20 that provides 0.20 repeatability.

How effortless is the Adjustable Single Channel 20 to clean and maintain?

The Brandtech Adjustable Single Channel 20 is autoclavable, ensuring safety, hygiene, as well as sterility for use in your other laboratory applications.

Do you have any questions about the Brandtech Adjustable Single Channel 20 Lab Pipette that we missed answering for you here?

Feel free to ask us through the live chat to the right, our Contact us page, or email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you asap with friendly response.

The Transferpette® is an ergonomic alternative to the traditional pipette design. The unique hook-shaped handle allows the light-weight pipette to suspend freely from the operator's hand, and the side-mounted pipetting key reduces hand fatigue, especially during serial pipetting applications. Every Transferpette® function has a dedicated control to simplify operation as well as limit inadvertent tip ejection or volume adjustment. Single and multichannel models are available in volume ranges from 0.1µL to 5mL.

Product Features:

  • Narrow shaft design for effectiveness in almost any application

  • Easy Calibration™ technology ensures fast, easy, in-lab calibration adjustments without tools

  • Can be disassembled for cleaning and reassembled in seconds without tools

  • Accepts universal tips

  • Integrated spring/seal construction simplifies in-lab service

  • Corrosion-resistant and autoclavable at 121°C/250°F (20 minutes) (pipette shaft/manifold - not handle)

Transferpette® single channel pipettes are an attractive alternative to traditional air-displacement pipettes. They are lightweight(approximately 100g) instruments that require minimal force for both pipetting and tip ejection. However, the primary ergonomic advantages of these instruments are their unique shape and the position of their pipetting key.

• The hook-shaped handle of theTransferpette® single channel pipette forms a hand cradle for users that allows suspension of the instrument in a relaxed hand. This reduces the static activity required of hand and arm muscles during operation by encouraging a relaxed grip during use. Reduced static muscle activity increases blood flow throughout the arm and hand and decreases the overall strain on muscles, tendons, and nerves of the forearm.

• The body design of the Transferpette® single channel pipette simplifies both left- and right-handed operation, and allows operators to alternate hands during operation.

• The offset pipetting key reduces radial abduction(extension of the thumb to a perpendicular or near perpendicular position compared to the fingers) of the thumb during operation. By reducing this radial abduction, the Transferpette® single channel pipette encourages proper pipetting posture and neutral hand position during operation, decreasing strain tot he tendons, muscles, and nerves of the thumb and forearm.

• The offset pipetting key is intended to reduce the role of extensor and abductor tendons that pass through the first dorsal extensor compartment during pipetting. Inflammation of these tendons is the primary cause of de Quervain's tendinitis, a painful, debilitating repetitive stress injury that has been diagnosed in laboratory workers performing repetitive pipetting tasks.

• The offset pipetting key “diverts“ the strain of pipetting from the muscles of the thumb IP (interphalangeal)joint to include those responsible for adduction of the thumb basal joint. It effectively “spreads“ the force required for aspiration and dispensing across a greater number of muscles, thereby “diluting“ the force required from (and the strain experienced by) each muscle during aspiration and dispensing. This reduces muscle strain.

• Design is intended to reduce both the likelihood and severity of inflammation of the tendons, the carpal tunnel, and the first dorsal compartment by minimizing the roles of muscles with tendons passing through either the carpal tunnel (such as the flexor pollicis longus) or first dorsal extensor compartment.

BrandTech® Scientific has been representing premium quality and excellent value since 1996 through their extensive line of cutting-edge liquid handling products, life science equipment, lab vacuums, plastic labwares, and more. Their range of BRAND liquid handling instruments, VACUUBRAND vacuum systems, and VITLAB plasticware are assembled by affiliated German manufacturers and are widely distributed across the United States and Canada. Serving Life Science and Chemistry markets, BrandTech® Scientific offers not only innovative lab supplies but also reliable customer service through its team of factory-trained support staff and fast delivery services straight from their corporate headquarters in Essex, CT.

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[Pipette] Accuracy (%/uL): 0.6
[Pipette] Autoclavable: Yes
[Pipette] Repeatability/Precision (%/uL): 0.2
[Pipette] Variable or Fixed Volume: Variable Volume
[Pipette] Volume Range Max (uL): 200
[Pipette] Volume Range Min (uL): 20

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