Ohaus Rocking and Waving Shakers

Analog and Digital platform shakers with max capacities ranging from 5 - 16 lbs and max speed of either 30 or 75 RPM.

Lab.Equipment supplies a selection of high-precision incubating rocking and waving shakers from leading manufacturer, Ohaus. These shakers are engineered to perform high-level shaking operations and deliver general-purpose incubating functions operational at temperatures ranging from 5°C to 65°C. Comprised of two model types, Ohaus incubating rocking shakers offer a see-saw like movement while Ohaus incubating waving shakers are designed to move at a smooth, low-foaming three-dimensional wave motion.

The Ohaus incubating rocking and waving shakers operate using a sophisticated microprocessor control which manages tilt adjustments in 1° increments and speed adjustments by 1 RPM electronically, enabling users to adjust rocking angles and speed while the shaking procedure is taking place. All models also feature a touch pad and an independent LED screen making it easier for users to program and view operational data including temperature, tilt angle, speed, and time values. With precision and accuracy as its defining qualities, the incubating rocking and waving shakers are ideal for users demanding repeatability in shaking performance and are recommended for applications like cell cultures, blotting techniques, gel staining and destaining, and more.

Shop a range of Ohaus incubating rocking and waving shakers from Lab.Equipment today. For any assistance needed in finding the perfect shaker for your specific application, feel free to chat us or leave us a message at [email protected].

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